Get the advanced novice program
The advanced novice program is available in a free pdf to download here.
This is the advanced novice program. It is suitable for people who have assuming you have exhausted the initial strength gains that a true novice program can give you. If you have never done any dedicated strength training, check out the novice strength program.
This program is introducing more advanced programming methods, and is starting to use RPE a lot more. If you dislike RPE, then I suggest checking out the FAQ where I offer alternatives. However, RPE or reps in reserve (RIR) are a staples in a lot of strength programs, which is why I wanted to introduce them early. Being comfortable with programs that use RPE or RIR will open up so many doors for intermediate and advanced programming. But, like I said, if you dislike it using RPE or RIR then feel free to check out the FAQ for alternatives.
I am not being as strict in recommending your weekly progression as I was in the novice strength program. However, I want you to try and work off of an estimated 1 rep max (e1rm) as much as possible, and to aim to increase the e1rm every week where possible. People coming straight off the novice strength program should be aiming to increase e1rm in the squat and deadlift by around 5lb every week, and maybe even bench press by 5lb every week (although this is less common with the bench press).
It is a 3 month, or 13 week strength program, and it continues to use daily-undulating periodization, but also is starting to introduce some form of block periodization. It is also a lot more specific to powerlifting. The 1-2 weeks are lower stress, and help introduce you to the main developmental block of the program. There is a lower stress week on week 7, followed by a realization block and then a short 1-2 week peak where you can then test your 1rms.
This advanced novice program is of a higher stress level than the novice strength program. It starts off with higher volume than you will have trained with before, and then has higher intensity then you’ll have trained with before.
The program can be used as a stepping stone to intermediate programs, or it can be run repeatedly until it no longer workers. Intermediate programs will generally have more volume and more intensity than this one, and will be 4-days per week to accommodate, so this program is a great stepping stone.
I introduced different rep schemes in this program. People respond differently to different rep schemes and have their own preferences. In my post: “Intensity: How many reps should I do? How heavy should I lift?” I offer several different rep and lifting schemes. Once you’ve ran through the program once, you can always try to run through this program again but make changes based on that article and what you found most effective in this program. I try to vary rep schemes a bit more than usual, as this will give you information on what sort of rep schemes you like, and also set you up to move on to common intermediate programs you will find.
Can I swap exercises?
No problem swapping exercises. The first half of the program is higher volume, with exercises which I personally find are more conducive to hypertrophy. The second half of the program is higher intensity, with exercises I find are better at getting you used to lifting heavier weights. Deadlifts are a great example: a block pull can be done heavier than a normal deadlift, so is better at psychologically preparing you to lift a heavy 1RM than a paused deadlift. Swapping exercises is fine, as long as you try to keep to the spirit of the program.
I missed a week?
Try to just repeat the week you were at without increasing your estimated 1 rep max. If you missed 2 weeks, it may be worth restarting from either week 1 or week 7.
I missed a workout?
Just do the workout you missed next time you go to the gym. e.g:
You usually do day 1, 2 and 3 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but you miss Wednesday’s day 2 workout. You’ll just make Friday your day 2, and Monday your day 3, and then Wednesday will be your day 1. Its no biggee.
RPE? I hate RPE!
Honestly, I’m not too keen on it either. I recommend always rating your lifts RPE after the fact regardless. If you hate RPE, then I suggest just swapping RPE out for a percentage using this chart:×322.png
For example, 1 rep @ 8 RPE is 92.2% of your 1 rep max, so just load that weight on the bar, lift it and next week increase your estimated 1 rep max and lift 92.2% at your new 1 rep max, and repeat each week.
RPE is just a way to load the bar, but if you use a chart like the one linked it is no different to simply working off a percentage.
Uhhh… What is RPE?
Part 1:
Part 2:
Limit conditioning to 2-3 times per week. If you are doing 3 times per week try to vary it so the stress is not focused on one bodypart. For example, running 3 times per week is going to be tough with this program, just like swimming 3 times per week will be tough. But running 1-2x per week, and then swimming 1-2x per week will be more manageable.
If you want to include cardio or conditioning, then check out my article on cardio and strength training.